We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. Next week (October 24th) we’ll be studying Jonah–a book that may inspire images of big fish swallowing a prophet; but it’s a book with so much more!
Description of our Study:
At the end of the day, God is less concerned with what we do for Him than who we are in Him. Few figures illustrate that truth better than Jonah. Focused on the prophet rather than his prophecy, the story of Jonah gives us a picture of a man on the run due to his own selfish desires. Instead of showing mercy to his enemies, he determined to keep God’s grace to himself rather than share it with those he considered undeserving. Can you relate?
Over the course of 8 verse-by-verse sessions, pastor and author Eric Mason expands our vision to see that Jonah’s story is our own. Far more than a thrilling Sunday school adventure, it offers a profound glimpse into the conflict that occurs when God calls resistant believers to His mission. More importantly, it underscores the depths of His compassion not only in redeeming the lost, but redeeming those He has called to participate in His reconciling work.
So climb aboard and settle in as Eric reveals how God uses extraordinary circumstances to break our hearts of selfishness, convince us of His tender care, and unite our lives to His glory.
We have rotating teams of people cook dinner for those who want to come here straight after work or don’t have time to make dinner. We ask for a $3 donation per person to cover the cost of the food. Some prefer to join us at 6:30 when the Bible study begins. Pleas join us for a great time connecting with others and growing in your faith!
If you use Facebook and want to keep up to date, follow along in the Thursday Night Bible Study Group.