Looking forward to Dover Days this Saturday! The weather looks like it’s going to be a great day to be outside!

If you want to help out, we can always use some more people in the booth. Setup is at 6am and we have shifts all day until 4:30pm. We’ll also need help packing away everything at 4:30. We need people to talk to people about who we are, run some fun kids games and do the “special project” from this past Sunday. If you’re interested in volunteering for a bit, let us know if you can! If you’re not able to volunteer but are able to go–or just want to find out more about us–please stop by and say hi!

What’s Dover Days? If you missed the earlier announcements…
Dover Days is a fun local event celebrating Dover’s history. There are lots of things for kids and adults to enjoy–and, as a church, we love being a part of this community! We plan on setting up a booth on Saturday and telling people about who we are and why we do what we do. Anyone who calls Deep Water home is welcome to come and pass out literature & cool swag, talk to people–and play lots of cool games with kids.

Where will we be?
Our assigned spot is across from the Biggs Museum on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard North (formerly Duke of York), heading toward Legislative Hall. (See the red arrow on the map below.) Note: While many people call the large green space near Legislative Hall “The Green”, “The Green” is actually the smaller space  to the left on the map. State Street runs through The Green if you’re heading downtown from places like Magnolia toward Loockerman St. So, if you tell someone to meet you on the Green, it’s always a good idea to check on where they think the Green is! I tell you this from personal experience! 😉

See everyone there!

Map to Dover Days Spot-01