Pastor Appreciation Potluck

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Normally, we schedule a potluck on the 5th Sunday of the month (four times a year). Instead of our regular 5th Sunday potluck this month, we plan to celebrate pastor appreciation with a potluck this year on Sunday, October 30...

Pastor Appreciation Potluck

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Instead of our regular 5th Sunday potluck, we plan to celebrate pastor appreciation month with a potluck this year on Sunday, October 30 after our normal 10:00 am worship gathering. There is a box in the sanctuary lobby (near the...

Small Groups in the Fall

We’re updating our list of small groups. We value small groups that connect throughout the week so we can learn to live out our faith; but during the Covid years, many of the groups stopped meeting. We’re hoping to add to the number this fall––including...

Some Upcoming Dates to Save!

HERE ARE A FEW UPCOMING DATES TO SAVE! Wyoming Block Party – Saturday, September 17, 5:00-8:00 pm. Firefly Cleanup for Code Purple – Monday, September 26. Men’s Retreat – Saturday, October 15. Trunk-or-Treat – Monday, October...

5th Sunday Potluck/BBQ this weekend!

This week, Sunday, July 31, we’ll enjoy fellowship and a BBQ immediately after our regular worship gathering. Please bring a dish to share if you are able. Not sure what to bring? Contact us to see what might be needed!

5th Sunday Potluck/BBQ July 2022

On Sunday, July 31, we’ll enjoy fellowship and a BBQ immediately after our regular worship gathering. Please bring a dish to share if you are able. Not sure what to bring? Check out the signup sheet in the back on Sundays or contact us to see what might be...