Thanks for All the Help with the Ramp!

Thanks for all the help with rebuilding the wheelchair ramp! We were able to rebuild the ramp, making it safe and keeping our building accessible to all people! If you’re interested in any other work projects, connect with us for other work...

Church Membership Meeting this Sunday (August 29)

As previously announced, we will have a church membership meeting on August 29 after the worship gathering at 10:00 am. We will be voting on purchasing the property. While only members can vote, any attendees are welcome to come. An email reminder of this meeting was...

Marriage Night – Fall 2021

We’re planning a Marriage Night on Saturday, October 2. We want to provide an opportunity to help you grow and flourish in your relationships. The teaching content will be simulcasted and rich with biblical teaching and practical advice from seasoned Christian...

Restrictions have been lifted!

It was great to see smiling faces this past Sunday! Restrictions on churches in Delaware have been lifted. So, we are currently not requiring masks at our regular gatherings and social distancing requirements have been reduced. Please join us in person on Sunday! We...

Kids Church and Nursery

We’re planning to restart Kids Church in the coming weeks. There is still time to give your input if you are a parent of a child or want to help. Click here for the survey. At this time, we aren’t ready to open the Nursery. We’ll do our best to keep...

Celebrate Easter with us!

EASTER MORNING SERVICE SCHEDULE SUNRISE SERVICE ON EASTER MORNING Sunday, April 4 at 6:00 am start to gather, brief service at 6:20 am (Sunrise is at 6:41 am) at Port Mahon (1097 Port Mahon Rd., Dover, DE 19901 – by the Delaware Bay out on Port Mahon Road) Early on...