Last Youth Group until the Fall

This Sunday will be the last regularly scheduled youth group. Before we break for summer there will be a Party at the Park at our regularly scheduled time. (In case of bad weather, we’ll meet at the church building.) If you want to keep up with youth events this...

Summer Service Time

To avoid the awkwardness of showing up an hour early, or just as we’re ending, please remember we’re currently meeting at the Summer Service time of 10am. Even though it will get a little tight some weeks, it will be fun to see everyone together again for...

Summer Service Time

Remember, we will begin the summer service time starting THIS WEEK on Sunday, May 28th. Even though it will get a little tight in a few weeks, it will be fun to see everyone together again for a few months…and we can add chairs in a few places. Also with the new...

Ladies Nacho Night

Just for ladies…As we head into summer, please make time to join us on Saturday, June 17, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm for a fun evening together. We’ll enjoy a Nacho Bar (Yep…nachos with loads of toppings!), a few ice breakers, and the opportunity to connect with other...

Summer Service Times 2017

We surveyed a sample of people from both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. The consensus was that we should combine the 9 am and 11 am services for the summer into a 10 am service since so many people travel. While the 9am-ers have to go a bit later than they would like...

Summer Service Times 2017

As we approach summer, people travel and not as many of us are present on Sundays. This places a large burden on our volunteers. We surveyed a sample of people from both the 9 and 11 services. The consensus was that we should combine the 9 and 11 am services for the...