Missions Speaker: No Live Video This Week

There will be no live video this Sunday on Facebook. It will also not be posted online to YouTube or on our podcast. As a church, we believe in missions around Dover and around the world. This week we will have a special guest speaker and discussion of missions in...

Did you know?

With our normal volunteers unavailable today, I am reminded of some of the ways we serve the greater Dover area. A volunteer and I: Heated and delivered food for the homeless population of downtown Dover Delivered food to hungry people Delivered donated clothes to...

Shop on Amazon? You can help us as you do!

As a reminder, while we’re all shopping online more these days: When shopping on Amazon, you can designate a portion of your purchase price for all items to go to Deep Water with no additional cost to you! You get the same products, same prices, same service....

Deep Water Online – July 19

Since not everyone has Facebook, we have added a page to the website that allows anyone to watch without Facebook. The live service can be accessed here. If you have any issue watching on that page, let us know. We’re doing the best we can to adapt to current...