by | May 7, 2020 | Gather, Grow
Want to join us to connect with God and each other as we journey through Immerse: Messiah? Join us for an 8-week study on Tuesday evenings. Download the Participant Guide so that you can get started if you’re interested. There are also two links: one for readers...
by | Apr 30, 2020 | Engage, Gather, Grow
Due to server overload, some may have experienced outages with online services this week at our OnlineHome. We were still able to broadcast on Deep Water’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. Eventually, it all sorted out and an “overflow” server...
by | Apr 15, 2020 | Engage, Gather, General Information, Grow
While it may seem like a funny time to offer membership classes, we wanted to make use of some time many of us have at home to normally offer these classes. These classes will help you can learn, grow and get involved. They are designed to teach more about our history...
by | Apr 2, 2020 | Grow, Kids Church, Kids Church at Home
With Easter week coming, we have a 5-minute devotional that will cover each day from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. The videos will allow you to explore the themes of Easter week with your kids. There is a short, 3-minute video with questions to discuss at points...
by | Mar 26, 2020 | Gather, General Information, Grow
With the current health crisis, we will continue to do church online and cancel all classes, groups, and activities until further notice…which means no potluck this month… 😟 Please join us for church online, Sundays at 10:00 am. We will have the message on...
by | Feb 27, 2020 | Engage, Gather, Grow
While you may already “like” us on Facebook (and if not, please do here!), some things are better posted and responded to in a group rather than a fan page. For those things, we have a Facebook group meant to be a place for people connected to Deep Water...