Small Group: Dinner and a Bible Study

Starting January 16th, we’ll be studying in the Book of John using material from Tony Evans. (Check out the trailer above.) It’s a great opportunity to grow in your faith and connect with people at Deep Water. What will we learn? In this study of the...

Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, January 11

Most Saturdays, some of the men meet at the church building from 8-9:30 am to talk and become better disciples. We occasionally have other commitments, so to keep up to date with the men’s group, join the Facebook Group or contact us or John Rundle for more...

Small Group: Dinner and a Bible Study

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. Starting January 16th, we’ll be studying in the Book of John using material from Tony Evans. What will we learn? “In this study of the Gospel of John, Dr. Tony Evans encourages us to turn...

Study on Jonah Begins This Week!

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. This week (October 24th) we’ll be studying Jonah–a book that may inspire images of big fish swallowing a prophet; but it’s a book with so much more! For more information, click...

Dinner and a Bible Study––New Study on Jonah

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. Next week (October 24th) we’ll be studying Jonah–a book that may inspire images of big fish swallowing a prophet; but it’s a book with so much more! Description of our Study: At the end of...

Vision Meeting this week (October 13)

About 15 minutes after the worship gathering on Sunday, October 13, we will have a brief meeting about the vision of Deep Water Church. Everyone is encouraged to attend if you call Deep Water home. We’d especially like those who have completed Deep Water 101,...