Dinner and a Bible Study

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. We’re about to end our summer break and will be moving to Thursday nights in September, starting on the 12th. How does it work? We have rotating teams of people cook dinner for those who want to...

Men’s Retreat 2019

Some of the men are planning a one day trip to a Men’s Retreat in Camp Hill, PA on October 19. If you’re interested in coming, the cost will be $40 for the day before October 1. We’ll carpool up. For more info, click here. To register online, click...

Did you know Right Now now has offline playback?

Offline Playback is finally here for RightNow! At this time, offline playback is only available within iOS apps for phones and tablets. They will be releasing offline playback to Android devices in the coming weeks. Click to find about Right Now and how it can help...

Save the Date

Here are some things that you may want to mark on your calendar: Air Show (community event) – September 14-15 (For more information, check out the Facebook event.) Town of Wyoming Yard Sale – September 28. Men’s Retreat – October 19. Trunk-or-Treat – October 31...

Dinner and a Bible Study anyone?

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. We’re about to end our summer break and will be moving to Thursday nights in September, starting on the 12th. How does it work? We have rotating teams of people cook dinner for those who want to...

We’re Moving! …the Dinner and Bible Study 😁

We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. We’re currently on a summer break and will be moving to Thursday nights in September. Look for more information coming up. If you use Facebook and want to keep up to date, follow along in the...