by | Sep 12, 2019 | Gather, Grow
We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. This week (September 12th) we’ll be studying Titus–a small book in the New Testament that’s packed with a lot of encouragement and instructions on how to live a life following Jesus! We...
by | Sep 10, 2019 | Events, Gather, Grow, Men's Events
Some of the men are planning a one day trip to a Men’s Retreat in Camp Hill, PA on October 19. If you’re interested in coming, the cost will be $40 for the day before October 1. We’ll carpool up. To register online, click here. Reminder: We’re...
by | Aug 29, 2019 | Gather, Grow
We want to help you grow in your faith and meet some great people. We’re about to end our summer break and will be moving to Thursday nights in September, starting on the 12th. How does it work? We have rotating teams of people cook dinner for those who want to...
by | Aug 28, 2019 | Gather, Grow, Men's Events
Some of the men are planning a one day trip to a Men’s Retreat in Camp Hill, PA on October 19. If you’re interested in coming, the cost will be $40 for the day before October 1. We’ll carpool up. For more info, click here. To register online, click...