Marriage Night Simulcast Event 2019

Marriage Night Simulcast Event 2019

    Healthy marriages don’t happen by accident. They require work and dedication, but with the busyness of life and the pressures of culture it’s easy to lose focus. What is marriage supposed to look like when those initial bursts of excitement give way to...
Easter 2019

Easter 2019

Easter is the biggest holiday in the Christian calendar. As we prepare for this season, check out the current Easter schedule! EASTER SCHEDULE GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Friday, April 19 at 6:30 pm at Deep Water Church (107 E. Broad St., Wyoming, DE 19934) Join Deep Water...
Easter 2019

Easter 2019

Easter is the biggest holiday in the Christian calendar. As we prepare for this season, check out the current Easter schedule! EASTER SCHEDULE EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 13 at Wyoming Park Join Deep Water Church, Lighthouse Church and the Wyoming Police...

Dinner and Bible Study

At Deep Water, we want to see everyone do three things: Gather, Grow and Engage. To help you grow in your faith, please join us for a eight week Small Group Dinner and Bible study. We started this week (Wednesday, April 30) but you can join us at any time! We are...
Dinner and Bible Study

Dinner and Bible Study

At Deep Water, we want to see everyone do three things: Gather, Grow and Engage. To help you grow in your faith, please join us for a eight week Small Group Dinner and Bible study. We will start this coming Wednesday, April 3, but you can join us at any time! We are...
Save the Date!

Save the Date!

We have a lot of things happening in the near future. Here are some things that you may want to mark on your calendar: Deep Water Landscaping Days – Saturday, March 30 & April 6 Marriage Seminar – Saturday, May 24 (evening) Clown College – Sunday, May 5 & 12...