Join us for Dinner–and Bible Study!

Join us as we study the book of Judges! If you want to catch up, watch the video on Right Now! As we have said, Christians often treat the Bible like a software agreement – we just click agree but never read it. One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to study the...
Join us for Dinner–and Bible Study!

Join us for Dinner–and Bible Study!

As we have said, Christians often treat the Bible like a software agreement–we just click agree but never read it. One of the best ways to grow spiritually is to study the Bible; but it can be tough to know where to begin, and many get discouraged on their own. We...

Small Groups at Deep Water for the Fall

We have groups that connect throughout the week so we can learn to live out our faith. We encourage people to live out the three words to describe our goals for people who attend Deep Water: Gather, Grow and Engage. Many informal groups exist where people simply get...

Small Groups at Deep Water for the Fall

We have groups that connect throughout the week so we can learn to live out our faith. We encourage people to live out the three words to describe our goals for people who attend Deep Water: Gather, Grow and Engage. While many of these may be informal, we do have...

No podcast–try YouTube this week!

Many people use our podcast to access to our sermons. However, there was an issue with recording. So, check out our YouTube Channel instead. Sorry!


We’re getting close to time to start up our Wednesday nights again; but we’re thinking of doing a “mini-class” on Sundays after the service. How many would be interested in a short class before or after the service? (About 30...