by | Dec 20, 2017 | Grow, Men's Events
Our desire as a church is to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). We form groups to do that. Over the last few years we have had some great men’s groups. Most Saturdays, we will meet at the church building from 7-8:30 am to talk and become better disciples. We...
by | Oct 5, 2017 | Adventure, Community Events, Grow, Parenting
This past Sunday (October 1), Jeff spoke on growing in our faith. (To listen, go here or to watch on Facebook, go here.) To all who call Deep Water Church home, we are gifting subscriptions to what has been called ‘The Christian Netflix.’ If you want...
by | Sep 21, 2017 | Engage, Gather, Grow
This Sunday (September 24), we will have a leadership and volunteer meeting about 15 minutes after our regular worship gathering. If you volunteer or lead in any way at Deep Water – kitchen, communion, greeters, worship team, Sunday morning computer, sound, nursery,...