Men’s Bible Study NEXT week (February 4)

We normally meet at the church building on the fourth Saturday of the month for the Men’s Bible Study; but due to scheduling, we need to meet the first week next month (Saturday, February 4) from 8-9:30am to enjoy coffee, a short teaching video, and some great...

Deep Water 201 this Sunday (January 29)

We had a great time going over Deep Water 101 this week. A few couldn’t make it, so we normally get asked, ” I missed Church 101, should I take Essential 201?” Answer: If you missed Church 101, you can still take Essentials 201 this Sunday (January...

Deep Water 101

Interested in learning more about our history and values while meeting some cool people? Want to get involved? Want to become a “member”? Starting this Sunday, January 22, we have four upcoming classes called Deep Water 101, 201, 301 and 401. Church...

Fine Arts Festival for Teenagers

    Fine Arts forms and payment are due this Sunday, January 22! (All creative writing, short film, mini saga, and promo video must be have been sent in by January 17 to be accepted for the festival.)   If you’re not familiar with Fine Arts, it is a fun way for...

Deep Water 101

Interested in learning more about our history and values while meeting some cool people? Want to get involved? Want to become a “member”? We have four upcoming classes called Deep Water 101, 201, 301 and 401. Church 101: This class is a basic introduction...

Group Spotlight: Tuesday Men’s Group

We talk about three core actions at Deep Water Church: gather, grow and engage. We want people to gather as a community, grow in their faith and engage the world around us. One of the ways we help people grow is by connecting in groups. As you start the new year,...