by | May 19, 2016 | Engage, Gather, Grow
We normally offer these classes on Sundays; but wanted to give an alternate time to take these classes so you can learn, grow and get involved. The classes are scheduled to begin Wednesday, June 8. (I previously said June 1, but apparently can’t count because...
by | May 12, 2016 | Engage, Events, Gather, Grow
We normally offer these classes on Sundays; but wanted to give an alternate time to take these classes so you can learn, grow and get involved. The classes are scheduled to begin Wednesday, June 1. They are designed to teach more about our history and values–in other...
by | Apr 21, 2016 | Engage, Gather, Grow, Parenting, Teens
To grow in faith, we encourage people to connect in community and live out the three words to describe our goals for people who attend Deep Water: Gather, Grow and Engage. While many of these may be informal, we do have several that meet informally. (Of course, our...
by | Apr 21, 2016 | Gather, Grow
We had a great time doing the I Am Second videos on Saturday mornings. However, all good things must come to an end–or at least change. We have moved from the 2nd Saturday to the 4th Saturday of the month…which would be THIS WEEK! We’re studying something...