Basic: Reclaim the church as Scripture describes it!

“If I only had this as my guide … if all I had was the Bible … and I was to read this book and then start a church, what would it look like? Would it look like the thing that we’ve built here and all refer to as church? Or would it look radically...


“If I only had this as my guide … if all I had was the Bible … and I was to read this book and then start a church, what would it look like? Would it look like the thing that we’ve built here and all refer to as church? Or would it look radically...

I am NOT Second? …meet with us on Saturday!

We’ve had a great time doing the I Am Second videos on Saturday mornings. However, all good things must come to an end–or at least change. Starting this week we’ll be studying something a little different, but still meeting once a month from 8-9:30am....

I am NOT Second? …changes in the Men’s Group

We’ve had a great time doing the I Am Second videos on Saturday mornings. However, all good things must come to an end–or at least change. Starting this month we’ll be studying something a little different, but still meeting once a month from 8-9:30am....

Connect on Facebook

While you may already “like” us on Facebook (and if not, please do here!), some things are better posted and responded to in a group rather than a fan page. For those things, we have a Facebook group meant to be a place for people connected to Deep Water...

Why are so many Christians biblically illiterate?

One of the key actions we want to see people do is to GROW. Recently, an article online said: “Most Christians know enough about the Bible to be dangerous. The Bible in America is a massive industry ($2.5 billion) yet it is the best seller few read and fewer...