Kids Church Changes

When we started Deep Water, we used rotating teams of volunteers to teach the kids at Kids Church. As we have continued to grow, the needs for our kids have grown too. With some new volunteers and the expansion to a second service, we are now able to offer Kids Church...

The Arrival – video clip from Olympics

During last week’s sermon, a video clip was mentioned that shows a father’s love for his son. It’s a great example of how God didn’t stay in the stands watching. God came down (which is what we celebrate at Christmas) and lived among us so we...

Men’s Group: Live Second this Saturday

The Men’s group meets this Saturday (December 13) at 8am. We live in a world where men often strive to be #1–in sports, the workplace, in our hobbies and in everything we do. But there are times where being second is the best choice you can make. Meet us...

Men’s Group: Live Second this Saturday

The Men’s group meets this Saturday (November 14) at 8am. We live in a world where men often strive to be #1–in sports, the workplace, in our hobbies and in everything we do. But there are times where being second is the best choice you can make. Meet us...

Pray Like Jesus

Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t...

Men’s Group: Live Second this Saturday

The Men’s group meets this Saturday (October 10) at 8am. We live in a world where men often strive to be #1–in sports, the workplace, in our hobbies and in everything we do. But there are times where being second is the best choice you can make. Meet us...