by | Sep 18, 2014 | Gather, Grow
To help people find and connect with our group, the Community Group that I (Jeff) lead will meet at Deep Water this coming week. If you’re interested in trying one, connect with me or just drop by this Wednesday (September 24) at 6:45pm. Contact me or comment...
by | Sep 18, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...
by | Sep 11, 2014 | Engage, Gather, Grow
To grow in faith, we encourage people to connect in community and live out the three words to describe our goals for people who attend Deep Water: Gather, Grow and Engage. While many of these may be informal, we do have several that meet informally. Of course, our...
by | Sep 11, 2014 | Gather, Grow, Teens
The youth group has moved to Sunday evenings at 7pm. If you’re in 6th-12th grade and excited to grow in your faith, join us on Sunday evenings at 7:00pm. Each week we will talk about how to understand our faith and live it out, how to overcome the trials of life...
by | Sep 8, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...
by | Sep 4, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...