by | Jul 10, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...
by | Jul 1, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...
by | Jul 1, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Over the past school year, we’ve enjoyed taking kids through God’s one big story. We’ve traveled through the Bible covering the familiar stories of Abraham and Joseph, Moses and King David. We made it all the way to Jesus, Paul, and the start of the early church. As...
by | Jun 26, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...
by | Jun 19, 2014 | Grow, Kids Church
Each month we supply a Parent Cue for parents and a weekly God Time sheet for kids. We post the monthly Parent Cue discussion sheet and the week’s God Time exercise for the lesson that was taught this Sunday. Copies of these are also available on the welcome...