Discipleship and Small Groups

Although it’s only July, we have been doing some things to prep for the Fall. We are actively seeking people who are passionate about building connections, fostering spiritual growth, and supporting fellow believers on their faith journey. We believe that small groups...

Membership Meeting AFTER the Worship Gathering on Sunday

As previously announced, there will be a church membership meeting on May 7 AFTER the 10:00 am worship gathering. We will be voting on becoming a General Council Affiliated church. Essentially, that means we will no longer be under a board of pastors in Delaware. We...

Important Membership Meeting

There will be a church membership meeting on May 7 after the 10:00 am worship gathering. We will be voting on becoming a General Council Affiliated church. Essentially, that means we will no longer be under a board of pastors in Delaware. We will become a...

One Anothers

As mentioned in the sermon this week, the 59 “One Anothers” in Scripture affect how believers should interact with one another. One Anothers 1. “…Be at peace with each other.” (Mark 9:50) 2. “…Wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14) 3. “…Love one another…”...

2022 Contribution Statements

Thanks for your financial support throughout the year. We couldn’t do what we do without it–in Wyoming, around the greater Dover area, and around the world! To view or print your 2022 Contribution Statement for tax purposes, log in to the giving section of our...

2022 Contribution Statements

Thanks for your financial support throughout the year. We couldn’t do what we do without it–in Wyoming, around the greater Dover area, and around the world! To view or print your 2022 Contribution Statement for tax purposes, log in to the giving section of our...