by | Mar 23, 2016 | Community Events, Uncategorized
On April 30 at 11:30am, Bikers for Christ will do a short run from the south lot of the Blue Hen Corporate Center (655 S. Bay Rd., Dover, DE 19901) to Tre Sorelle Dolce Ice Cream and Italian Ice (11 S. Railroad Ave., Wyoming, Delaware). At Tres Sorelle Dolce they will...
by | Mar 15, 2016 | Engage, Uncategorized
In preparation for FireFly, we’ll be holding a brief meeting this week after each of the services (9 & 11) to discuss the opportunities to serve and how you can be a part of this incredible project. If you can’t make the meeting or want to get your...
by | Mar 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Daylight savings begins this Sunday, March 13 at 2 am. If you use your cellphone as your clock, it should change automatically. If you depend on a regular clock to wake you up and get you places on time, you might want to change your clocks Saturday night before you...
by | Feb 25, 2016 | Engage, Uncategorized
Some of you know we collected camping supplies for the homeless last year after Firefly. John Rundle had the idea; and we got permission and just showed up and did what we could. The scope of what we could have done was unbelievable, so we connected with Red Frog, the...
by | Feb 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
While you may already “like” us on Facebook (and if not, please do here!), some things are better posted and responded to in a group rather than a fan page. For those things, we have a Facebook group meant to be a place for people connected to Deep Water...
by | Jan 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
We appreciate your donations to Deep Water. They help us do what we do, making an impact locally and around the world. To view or print your 2015 Giving Statement for tax purposes, log into our website here. Your statement will contain all of your donations; combining...