Funeral on Saturday

As those who were able to attend Sunday heard in the announcements, unfortunately, Pastor Glen passed away unexpectedly last week. He will be greatly missed by the Deep Water family. Please continue to keep Sharon and the rest of the family in prayer. We will have a...

Christmas Schedule 2022

Reminder: The Christmas Schedule will be a little different this year since Christmas and New Year’s Day each fall on a Sunday. While we’d love to gather for worship on Christmas, realistically, most of us have many family obligations and it would end up...

Caroling on December 23 – Save the Date!

As announced, a group from Deep Water will go caroling around town on December 23. Then we’ll head back to Deep Water for some cocoa! Meet at the building at 6:00 pm. Feel free to join in––and invite a friend! For more details, contact us or see Kelly...

Deep Water 301/401 Online

Previously, we announced upcoming membership classes. The classes began a few weeks ago. If you were unable to attend and want to catch up, you can follow the class zoom (101, 201 and 301/401) and download the booklet here. Contact us if you’re interested in...

Bunny Hop 2021

We need trunkers! With Covid-19 regulations, we’re planning on doing an egg hunt, but trunk-or-treat style. (If you don’t want to decorate a trunk but still want to pass out candy, you can have a table or just sit in a chair.) Egg and candy donations are...