Missions Convention in Newark

On March 8 at 5:30 pm Praise Assembly in Newark is hosting a missions banquet to celebrate what God is doing thru believers all over the world. Praise is a big supporter of Missions worldwide. I (Jeff) will be attending and would like to extend the invitation to any...

Lies our Culture Tells us about Sex

With our recent sermon on Adultery and Faithfulness (one of the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 discussed in our Neue: Live Free–Set Free series), Valentines Day and a big movie release coming up, we’re once again reminded that sometimes the values of the...

When You’re Too Busy to Connect with God

Busy. It’s a word many of us use most of the time—we’re too busy, so busy, very busy, or just plain busy. We’ve got work to do, children to raise, meetings to get to, appointments to keep, friends to connect with, spouses to love. So how do we stay connected to God...

Ladies Night Out

Looking for a night to connect with other women? Join the ladies of Deep Water Church on Monday, January 26 at 7:00pm. For more information, join the Ladies Group on Facebook here. If you’re not on Facebook, contact us for more information or comment...

Home Ownership Seminar

Habitat for Humanity in Central Delaware is looking for five qualified applicants interested in living downtown Dover on South Kirkwood Street and South Queen Street. The criteria for the program and a flyer about the program are attached below. Criteria for Family...

Ladies Night Out

Looking for a night to connect with other women? Join the ladies of Deep Water Church on Monday, January 26 at 7:00pm. For more information, join the Ladies Group on Facebook here. If you’re not on Facebook, contact us for more information or comment...