by | Aug 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Most people who attend Deep Water have noticed our pretty cool cry room. Unfortunately, while it has a comfy couch, some chairs and it’s own speaker with volume control, it doesn’t have a door! (That’s a long story; but basically the original church...
by | Aug 2, 2018 | Community Events, Uncategorized
We will be making balloon animals and hosting fun games at the Wyoming Peach Festival this Saturday (August 4) from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. We’ll be right outside our building so it will be a great chance to meet people and invite them to join us on Sundays....
by | May 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
We want to make a great first impression on guests and be good neighbors to those who live near us. We have been blessed with a beautiful building; but beautiful buildings need a little help to stay beautiful. We are putting together a schedule of people to cut the...
by | May 29, 2018 | Men's Events, Uncategorized
Most Saturdays, some of the men meet at the church building from 7-8:30 am to talk and become better disciples. We only have two weeks left until we break for the summer; so we’re taking a field trip and hitting the Camden Chic-Fil-A. Hope to see you there! Want...
by | Apr 24, 2018 | Gather, Uncategorized
Reminder: Ladies Prayer Group on Sundays What is it you ask? In Mark 2, four men rip open a roof and lower their paralyzed friend down to be healed by Jesus. Sometimes we all need the faith of our friends. Come join the ladies’ prayer group, Sundays from...
by | Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
We have three ladies coming to Deep Water from Lydia’s House–a home for addiction recovery located near the intersection of Governors Ave. and North St. (about 8 minutes from our current location). Since our move from downtown, they depend on a ride from a former...