Potluck: 5th Sunday on the 4th Sunday

Community is a big part of who we are at Deep Water. We serve the community––and we’re in community together as we grow in our faith.

Every time a month has 5 Sundays instead of the typical 4, we have a potluck fellowship meal and call it “5th Sunday Fellowship.” But this month, that falls on Easter. While a potluck of Cadbury eggs and Peeps may sound delicious to many of us, we know many have other obligations on Easter Sunday.

So, our next 5th Sunday Fellowship is on Sunday, March 24. We’ll enjoy a lunch fellowship shortly after our regular worship gathering. Please bring a dish to share if you are able. In honor of March Madness, the theme is March Munchies. So, bring your favorite finger food to share. (March 24 is also “Palm Sunday,” so think about food that would fit in your “palm”! 😂)

Not sure what to bring? Contact us to see what might be needed, talk to us and/or sign up on Sunday!

Annual Meeting 2024

We will hold our Annual Business Meeting after the 10:00 am worship gathering this week (February 18). At the meeting, we will take a vote for the current opening on the board that represents our members. One position on the board is up for election/re-election and, as announced, we have two candidates. While only members can vote, any attendees are welcome to come.

What makes some people members and some not members? We value everyone’s contributions to the community here at Deep Water and treat everyone with love and respect whether they are a member or not. In the spring we plan to offer a membership opportunity for those who want to solidify their commitment and make decisions on the direction of Deep Water –– in other words, to vote on legal matters.

If you are not sure whether or not you are a member or want more membership information, please contact us.

IF Gathering 2024: a Conference for Women

On February 23-24, 2024 Deep Water is planning to host a simulcast event for the IF Gathering 2024––a conference for women. Since it is a simulcast event, tickets are required and can be purchased here for $15.

Deep Water Church
107 E. Broad Street
Wyoming, DE 19934
Dates & Time:
Friday, February 23, 2024 7:00PM – 11:00PM
Saturday, February 24, 2024  10:00AM – 5:30PM

Lunch will be provided on Saturday. See Gina on Sunday or contact us about any questions you may have or for more details.

Wyoming Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Save the Date: March 23, 2024 @11:00 am

Once again we’re partnering with the town of Wyoming to provide a fun-filled egg hunt for kids at Wyoming Park. Join us to help or bring your friends with kids! Check out the Facebook event here.

We have plenty of eggs from previous years. But we will need candy that will fit in eggs! Feel free to start dropping it off on Sundays or during the week! We need donations soon so the volunteers from the school system can get the eggs stuffed!


Benevolent Needs

  1. We need another full-size, upright freezer for our food pantry. Anyone have one laying around that they don’t need? Just asking before buying one over Presidents’ Day weekend.
  2. Interfaith’s Day Center serves homeless people during the day. We bring breakfast sandwiches to them weekly. In talking to them about their needs, we found that they are currently in need of NEW underwear. Anyone is welcome to contribute to “Love People” (Give on the giving link and elect the fund “Love People”) if they want to help with the cost. Or drop off some packs this Sunday!

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