Save the Date

There are some things happening in the near future for which you may want to save the date and mark on your calendar:

  • Summer BBQ: July 30 – after our regular Sunday gathering.
  • Peach Festival: August 5 – all day in front of our building and around Wyoming!
  • National Night Out: Tuesday August 22 – 6:00-8:00 pm at Wyoming Park.

Look for more details in the future or contact us for more details!

Deep Water Church Family Game Night – June 16

We want to invite you to join us for some food, beverages, games, and fun! So pack up the kids, your favorite games, and bring your A-game πŸ˜ƒ

Join us at 6:30 pm on Friday, June 16. Invite a friend!



Membership Meeting AFTER the Worship Gathering on Sunday

As previously announced, there will be a church membership meeting on May 7 AFTER the 10:00 am worship gathering. We will be voting on becoming a General Council Affiliated church. Essentially, that means we will no longer be under a board of pastors in Delaware. We will become a congregational church affiliated with the Assemblies of God. Annually, we will elect board members from among the congregation to govern the affairs of the church.

While only members can vote, any attendees are welcome to come.

What makes some people members and some not members?
We value everyone’s contributions to the community here at Deep Water and treat everyone with love and respect whether they are a member or not. Normally, we offer membership classes and an application to be a member for those who want to solidify their commitment and make decisions on the direction of the church –– in other words, to vote on legal matters. Our current sermon series will serve as membership classes.

All current members should have received an email reminder of this meeting last week. If you are not sure whether or not you are a member or want more membership information, please contact us.

If you missed the sermons the last few weeks, you can find them all here.

Important Membership Meeting

As previously announced, there will be a church membership meeting on May 7 after the 10:00 am worship gathering. We will be voting on becoming a General Council Affiliated church. Essentially, that means we will no longer be under a board of pastors in Delaware. We will become a congregational church affiliated with the Assemblies of God. Annually, we will elect board members from among the congregation to govern the affairs of the church.

While only members can vote, any attendees are welcome to come.

What makes some people members and some not members?
We value everyone’s contributions to the community here at Deep Water and treat everyone with love and respect whether they are a member or not. Normally, we offer membership classes and an application to be a member for those who want to solidify their commitment and make decisions on the direction of the church –– in other words, to vote on legal matters. Our current sermon series will serve as membership classes.

All current members should receive an email reminder of this meeting this week. If you are not sure whether or not you are a member or want more membership information, please contact us.

If you missed the sermons the last few weeks, you can find the first one hereΒ and the second one here.

5th Sunday Fellowship – this Sunday (April 30)

Community is a big part of who we are at Deep Water. We serve the community––and we’re in community together as we grow in our faith.

Every time a month has 5 Sundays instead of the typical 4, we have a potluck fellowship meal.

Our next 5th Sunday Fellowship is this Sunday (April 30). We’ll enjoy a lunch fellowship immediately after our regular worship gathering. Please bring a dish to share if you are able. The theme is breakfast…and Pastor Jeff will be cooking Scrapple if you’ve never had it…

Not sure what to bring? Contact us to see what might be needed or just show up on Sunday!

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