Some of you know we collected camping supplies for the homeless last year after Firefly. John Rundle had the idea; and we got permission and just showed up and did what we could.

The scope of what we could have done was unbelievable, so we connected with Red Frog, the company that runs Firefly. We pitched the idea to partner with them to collect leftover camping supplies for the homeless of Kent County during the festival. They were excited about the idea. We partner with Code Purple regularly to serve those in need around Dover and the rest of Kent County, so all the items will go to them. To read more about it, check out FireFly’s website.

As we approach the spring, we are looking for volunteers to help with the project. To sign up, go here. There is a private Facebook event for this event. Please message me (Jeff) or John Rundle to get invited–and then invite your friends! We’ll keep you in the loop to help!

Also, if your business might be interested in donating services or sending volunteers, let us know! We have local businesses donating trucks, laundering donated goods (need more help here!), etc.