Do I need to dress up to fit in at Deep Water?
We always say our only rule about clothes is “wear some!” Most people dress very casual–jeans are the norm. Jeff (the pastor) normally wears jeans and a casual shirt every week; but you’re welcome to wear a tie or nice dress if that’s what you want to wear.
What is Deep Water really like?
Some words that come to mind are: laid-back, authentic, biblical, spiritual, diverse, caring, contemporary and evangelical.
What makes Deep Water different?
Our slogan is “Real Community for Real People” and we’re serious about cultivating community. We want to create a place where we don’t just go to church; but we live as the church and have relationships outside of the church.
What does Deep Water do in the community?
We’re extremely active in the community. Our philosophy is that the greater Dover area should be better because we are here. Specifically, we work a lot with the homeless population–feeding them throughout the week, and providing toiletries and clothing while working with Dover Interfaith Mission and Code Purple. We also serve at various festivals and downtown events throughout the year.
Is there stuff for my kids to do?
Check out our Kids info here.
What is the pastor like?
Strange! Just kidding! Most people would describe Jeff as energetic, relational and funny. Check out one of his current messages on our sermon audio page, or hit him up for a cup of coffee to get to know him better. Here’s a brief bio.